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Complete Murder Mystery Scripts & Quizzes for Fundraising,
Drama Groups or Dinner Parties, But Always for Fun!

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Featured Scripts

Cartoon Gardener

Come Into the Garden Victor

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Cartoon Scrabble

Faking It!

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Cartoon Maestro

The Brain, The Baton and A Nasty Case of Nasal Congestion

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Jam & Jerusalem - The Radio Play

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Welcome to Murder and Mayhem!

I belong to a Theatre Group based near Derby, UK and one year as funds were a bit short, we decided to put on a fundraising Murder Mystery night.

Despite being dedicated thesps and luvvies at heart, we found that the majority of Murder Mysteries out there only gave a basic plot and relied on improvisation - a skill that wasn't really present in a great abundance in our group..... Improvisation ? Us ?

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So a victim - sorry, volunteer - was called upon to write a Murder Mystery script, and I've been doing it for the last few years. And it seems I like a fast paced, chaotic script - hence the name of the site - Murder and Mayhem!

This website came about as a direct result of my literary efforts - after all, if our audiences liked it so much perhaps it deserved a wider audience !

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So please feel free to browse this website and get in touch if you like !

Best wishes for your fundraising !


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For Information and Listings for Amateur Theatrical Groups, Schools, Societies, Choirs, Troupes and Clubs see here - Drama Groups

Featured Scripts

Featured Scripts

Cartoon Lumberjack

Blame the Black and Decker

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Cartoon Dame

Passion and Panto

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Cartoon Target

Venison and

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Cartoon Target

Jam & Jerusalem The Play - Coming Soon

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